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For Immediate Release


Contact: Ken Ralston, owner
Phone: (928) 301-9004
Email: announces the addition of “HOW TO VIDEOS”
for their do-it-yourself chuck box and camp kitchen builder.
“visual support and inspiration for customers”

Paulden Arizona, 6/5/2017 has long catered to the camping woodworker by the offering of product plans in their Blue Sky Kitchen Plans and their How to Design Build and Outfit Your Own Camp Kitchen books. This has been taken to the next level with the release of about two hours worth of support videos. These are the individual videos:

Material Selection and Cutting Plans builders start here
Parts Assembly - Kit builders start here
Box and Stand Assembly
Stain and Finish - Unfinished orders start here
Final touches and laminating
Decorating and Designer Notes
Rope Handles, Ext Shelves and Extras

Ken Ralston is the presenter of the information and coincidentally the inventor of all the products in the Blue Sky Kitchen. He uses mostly a simple demonstration technique to show how to complete each step of the building process starting with the ever difficult material selection all the way through to laminating for those who wish to do that.

The videos are available to all Blue Sky Kitchen customers and while the plans builders will get the most from them they also help the kit, unfinished customers and there is even some help for the finished product customer. In order to limit bandwidth requirements, access to the videos is limited to all customers that have made a purchase within the last six months. has been pioneering the chuck box market since 1988. It offers several highly evolved camp kitchen product options in configurations ranging from woodworking plans, to ‘assemble-your-own’ kits, to ‘DIY’ unfinished and ‘ready-to-outfit’ finished products.

See this video for an idea of what all is involved.


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